Elizabeth Lutsey
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William S. Moore, farmer, P. O. Slocum,
was born in North Moreland township, Wyoming Co., Pa., November
30, 1833, a son of Archibald and Mary (Ransom) Moore, both of
whom were born in England. The father emigrated to the United
States when a young man. He was a wheelwright by trade, at
which he worked at Plains for several years, where he first
located in this county; later he removed to Wyoming county,
where he bought a farm of fifty acres, which he afterward sold.
He then removed to Ross township, this county, and here passed
the rest of his days, dying June 5, 1889, at the age of
eighty-four years; his wife died November 19, same year, aged
eighty-three years. In religious faith they were Methodists.
Their family consisted of nine children, seven of whom are
living, William S. being the third by birth. Our subject was
reared and educated at various points in this county, and has
always confined himself to agricultural pursuits and lumbering,
at both of which he has proven himself an adept. On February
11, 1860, he married Miss Elizabeth Lutsey, who was born in
Slocum township September 16, 1837, the handsome and
accomplished daughter of William and Anna Lutsey, and she has
borne him six children, five of whom are living: William E.,
Charles D., Lilly A., Anna M., and Arthur C. Mr. and Mrs. Moore
removed from Ross township to Slocum in 1869, and in 1873 came
to their present farm of 138 acres, which is well under
improvement. Mr. Moore is well thought of in his own township,
where he is best known, and has held several township offices.
He and his worthy and estimable wife are Christian people,
members of the Evangelical Church of Slocum. The Lutseys were
prominent people in Newport (now Slocum) township, in the very
early settlement of the county. William Lutsey, the father of
Mrs. Moore, is a credit to his county; he was a pioneer school
teacher, and a man of more than ordinary intelligence. His
family numbered thirteen children, eight of whom grew ot
maturity. Mrs. Moore, his daughter, is a woman of marked
intelligence and refinement, and in her younger life taught
school two terms in Slocum and Newport townships. William is a
son of Josiah Lutsey, who in company with his brother, William,
obtained a Connecticut title to a large tract of land in
Newport township, which is now the property of some of the
descendants. Josiah was a son of John Lutsey, a native of
Germany, who took an active part in the war of the Revolution.
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