Below is George Magee’s obituary from the Shawano County Journal, May 15, 1919: George Magee Dead Funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30
George Magee died this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. August
Anderson. Mr. Magee is an old lumberman, and has seen that industry on
the Wolf River develop from its infancy. He was an expert in the
business both as to camp life, and in river driving. He was a foreman
and was liked by all his men. There are few men in the business from
Oshkosh to Gagen who are not acquainted with George Magee.
The plan for the funeral is not definite, but it is probable that the
body will be taken to Oconto for burial. There will be a short service
at the Anderson home Saturday morning, early enough so that the cortege
can reach the depot for the 10:40 train going east. Rev. McGresham will
have charge Later – Just as we start the press,
it has been decided that the funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at
the Anderson home, and that interment will be in Woodlawn.