From the May 10, 1934 Shawano County Journal: Funeral services for H.T. Nolan are held here Tuesday
Funeral rites for Henry (Hank) T. Nolan were held in this city at the
Woodlawn cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Nolan was fatally injured in
an auto accident last Thursday evening. The accident occurred between
Green Bay and Appleton. Nolan was rushed to the Appleton hospital and
it was found that he had suffered concussion of the brain. He passed
away Saturday evening. Hank Nolan was well known
in this city and as equally well-liked by all who knew him. For
twenty-three years he has represented the Employer’s Mutual Life
Insurance Co. in this territory. He was married to a Shawano girl, Miss
Bernice Anderson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Anderson.
His death came as a shock to his family, relatives and friends. Besides
the grief-stricken widow, there survives three children, James 19,
Betty, 17, and Thomas, 10.