From the Manitowoc Herald-Times, Thursday, Sept. 28, 1961:
Funeral services for Jeana Aliota, four-year-old granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Baker, of 1802-27th St., Two Rivers, who was fatally
injured when struck at 6 p.m. Monday by a next door neighbor’s car in
front of her home at Hartford, Wis., will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the
Methodist church at Hartford. Burial will be in a Hartford cemetery.
Jeana was born at Hartford in 1957, daughter of Fred and Joyce Baker
Aliota. Her father for the past six years has been guidance director at
Hartford High School and is director of the Hartford American Legion
Band. Besides the parents and maternal
grandparents at Two Rivers, she leaves three sisters, Lori, 10, Nikki,
8, and Linda, 3, at home, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Aliota, of Milwaukee.