From the June 8, 1966 Two Rivers Reporter:
40th anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Baker of 2614-45th St., Two
Rivers, will observe their 40th wedding anniversary Saturday at a
dinner for the immediate family at Fox Hills Country Club, Mishicot,
and an open house from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday at home. Actual date of the
anniversary is June 15. The former Lilliam Oestreich and Mr. Baker were
married June 15, 1926 at Two Rivers by the late Rev. Mr. Sievert. The
couple has two children, Mrs. Fred (Joyce) Aliota of Hartford and
William Baker of Two Rivers, and five grandchildren. Mr. Baker retired
three years ago after operating Bakers Grocery Store, Two Rivers, for
12 years. The store is now operated by his son. The couple enjoys
fishing and gardening. Attendants at the wedding 40 years ago were Mrs.
John LaFond (Vivian Baker), who will attend the observance and the late
Lester Oestreich.