From the Shawano paper, Thursday, April 18, 1907:
Died - on Saturday afternoon of last week the spirit of Mrs. Martha
Magee, wife of Thomas Magee, passed to its eternal home. She had but
just passed her twentieth birthday and has been a wife scarcely a year.
Our deepest sympathy is for the sorrowing husband, who has lost a true
and loving wife, one who made an ideal home in every sense of the word.
Besides her husband, she leaves an infant daughter, a father and
mother, four sisters and three brothers to mourn their loss, as well as
a host of sorrowing friends, for no one that ever met her or knew her
but became her firm friend at once. In all her
life she was never known to speak a disparaging word of any one, but
had only kind helpful words for all. She was one of whom it truly can
be said, “To know her was to love her.” She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce, of Laney. The remains will be interred Tuesday at the Magee family burying ground at Angelica. May God in his great mercy comfort all who have been stricken down in sorrow by this great blow.