in the old days ran little society briefs for each town, telling in
minute detail what the residents had been up to. Below are some
excerpts I’ve found which relate to people in our family. n The
cheese factory of Leonard Zernicke of Glenmore burned to the ground.
Practically everything was burned. Mrs. Zernicke was formerly Miss
Pearl Magee. - Jan. 2, 1928. n Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Magee, Mr. and Mrs. James Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Runge, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Zernicke, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrian spent New
Year’s Eve at the Hugh Magee Sr. home. - Jan. 2, 1928. n Hugh Magee, Sr. baled hay, Thursday. - Feb. 16, 1928. n Robert Magee took a load of hay to Shawano, Saturday. - Feb. 16, 1928. n Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee and children visited at the Hugh Magee, Sr. home Saturday evening. - Feb. 16, 1928. n Miss Orriene Berg spent Tuesday night with Betty Jane Kroening. - Oct. 4, 1939. n
Mrs. Ed and John Berg, Mrs. Walter Bocher, Mrs. Tony Rawlsky, Mrs.
Ernest Druckrey, Mrs. Frank Kamke and Mrs. Ernie Kroening and Mrs. Leo
Blaser attended the cooking school at Bonduel Friday evening. - Oct. 4,
1939. n Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berg and son Billy were Green Bay callers Tuesday afternoon. - Oct. 4, 1939. n Mrs. David Black, of Shawano, is visiting relatives here (Angelica) this past week. - Aug. 15, 1906. n Will Stanton and wife were at Bonduel Thursday. - Aug. 15, 1906. n Deforest, Robert and Hugh Magee went up to Maple Valley to pick blueberries. - Aug. 15, 1906. n Annual family reunion at the lake The
annual family reunion of the Winans and Magee families was held at the
Lake on Thursday last. Dinner was served on the lawn in front of the
Black and Magee cottages. A fine dinner was greatly enjoyed by about
fifty-five. These families hold annual reunions and a very pleasant
time is always had by all. The gathering this year was an exceptionally
pleasant one. Those present were: Mrs. Murray, Mrs. McCord, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Brooks, Chas. Brooks and family, Mrs. Schneider and children,
Mrs. Chas. Magee Sr., Jas Magee and family, Aug. Anderson and family,
John Black and family, Chas. Magee and family, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Wm.
Gibbs and children, Geo. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. F. Perry, Mrs. Williams,
Grace and Belle Ainsworth, Oscar Wiegand, Doretha and Chas. Seering,
Miss Hattie Gibbs, Misses Lutsey and Fowler, Malcom Schweers. - Aug.
23, 1906. n Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Anderson left Saturday for Wausau
where they will visit a fwe days with their daughter, Mrs. J. C.
Youmans. They will then go to Winona, Minn. to visit their daughter
Mrs. S. S. Long and Mr. Anderson will go to Oklahoma to look after
business matters. - Feb. 1919. n Mr. Robert Magee of Laney and Mr.
Jay Lutsey of Pittsfield returned Saturday from a trip to North Dakota
where they visited relatives. - Nov. 1929. n Mrs. Maude Wendt of Madison spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lutsey. - Nov. 1929. n Mrs. Hatch has been visiting at Grandma Lutsey’s the past week. - Aug. 8, 1906. n Edith and Ruth Lutsey made a trip to Advance Thursday. - Aug. 8, 1906. n Maud and Jim Lutsey, Anna Bruce and Alma Rusch attended the institute at Shawano last week. - Aug. 8, 1906. n
Mrs. C. W. Magee of this city and daughter, Mrs. A. W. Prehn and little
daughter, Ruth, were in Madison most of last week where they attended
the doings of the university, Mrs. Prehn visiting some of her friends
there. - June 26, 1917. n A.N. Hazeltine, Aug. Anderson, J.C. Black
and H.B. Richmond returned Thursday morning from EauClaire where they
went to inspect the Gillette Rubber Co. of that city, a number of
Shawano people have stock in the company which is meeting with marked
success for a new company. - June 26, 1917. n Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lutsey and Martha Magee spent Sunday with Mrs. Lutsey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce. - April 1, 1920. n Mrs. Thomas Lutsey is at Bonduel taking care of her daughter, Mrs. R. Wendt, who is sick. - March 11, 1920. n
Mrs. Jim Magee (Mary Anne), has been confined to her bed for the past
week with rheumade fever. Henry Lutsey, the artist from Shawano, has
been taking views in the village the past week. - Jan. 26, 1904. n
Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest Lutsey and daughter, Doris, are visiting the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lutsey, 848 Pearl Street. They
drove here from Winfield, Kan. Miss Alice Strupp, of Cecil, Wis., a
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lutsey, is also visiting in this
city. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lutsey and Mr. Lutsey’s brother, George
Lutsey, of Larsen, attended the cheesemakers’ convention at Green Bay.
- Nov. 23, 1928. n Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lutsey, and daughter, Doris,
of Winfield, Kan., visited Mr. Lutsey’s parents at their home, 844
Pearl street. Mr. and Mrs. Lutsey motored here from Iron Mountain,
Mich. They will motor to Milwaukee and Mrs. Len Lutsey will accompany
them. - Aug. 19, 1929. n Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munroe of Chicago and
Mrs. George Hatch and niece, Mabel Lutsey, of Shawano, are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hatch, Cherry avenue. - July 18, 1904. n Mrs. George Dunlap of Angelica has been visiting with her aunt, Miss Hannah Magee, Tuesday and Wednesday. - June 1910. n Richard Magee has gone west - March 1911. n
Richard Magee of Willett, S.D., is visiting his relatives and friends
here (Two Rivers). Mr. Magee owns a farm of 160 acres and devotes
himself mostly to raising cattle. - Jan. 1914. n Miss Rose Magee and Mae Hurst are eligible to membership in the Hikers Club. They hiked to Manitowoc. - Aug. 1910. n
A party of pretty maids consisting of Misses Mae and Hattie Hurst, Rose
Magee, Grace Sister and Laura Beaton drove to the residence of Henry
Heap of Gibson to be entertained at dinner. The girls employed no man
to drive their horses. Miss Mae Hurst saw to it that the team made no
misstep. The girls on their return said they much enjoyed the ride and
the royal entertaining given by Mrs. Heap. - Sept. 1911. n J. F.
Magee, son Allen and Lester Oestreich motored to Madison Saturday and
witnessed the football game between Wisconsin and Illinois
universities. - Nov. 1922. n Attending the County Convention S.D.P.
at Manitowoc were Herman Wentorf, Arnold Zander, David Grover and Fred
Althen. - June 1912. n Miss Esther Grover of this city (Two Rivers) is spending several days visiting friends at Milwaukee. - July 1911. n
Among those who came home for their Thanksgiving dinner, teachers and
students were ... Esther Grover of Stevens Point - Nov. 1915. n Miss
Esther Grover, who teaches school in northern Wisconsin, is at home
during the enforced closing of schools on account of influenza. - Oct.
1918. n Henry Grover was appointed by the Board of Education last
night to fill the vacancy in the board of vocational education caused
by the resignation of G. A. Magee. - May 1935. n Mrs. Maude Wendt of Madison spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lutsey. - November 1929.