Solomom Rosencrans
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S. F. ROSENCRANS (Scott Township) (1907)
is the son of John and Margaret Rosencrans, who were born in
Pennsylvania and emigrated from that State. S. F. was one of
twelve children. In 1847. his parents came to Scott Township,
settling on the "old Young farm," consisting of 160
acres, which they increased in subsequent years to 800 acres.
The old people still live in Bucyrus (see Hon. Rosencrans'
sketch). The subject of this sketch married in February of 1872
Miss Amanda Lee, daughter of Sarah A. Lee, and their three
children are Rosa, Flora and John. Mrs. Rosencrans died in
1876; he continued a widower two years, marrying then Mrs. Mary
Fairchilds, Daniel Fairchild's widow. One child has been born
to them-Emma May. Mr. Rosencrans owns eighty acres of land in
Arkansas. He has been renting his father's farm of 505 acres
for the past few years, paying $1,100 annually. He is an
extensive farmer, raising large fields of corn annually. He has
been Township Trustee, and is a member of the K. of P. and of
Calanthe Lodge, No. 116
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