Below is the obituary for Susanna Magee
from the Oct. 13, 1891 Manitowoc County Chronicle:
Magee- At her home in the town of Two
Rivers, October 10th, Mrs. J. Magee, aged 84 years, 10 months
and 14 days.
She was born in Scotland in 1806, her
mother having died when she was but a few years of age, she
joined her father in Corea, who, being an officer in the
Brittish Army, he was stationed at that time. Remaining there
until her eighteenth year, when accompanied by an elder
brother, she came to America, settling in Montreal where, in
1825, she married Mr. John Magee, whom she survived 19 years.
She came to Wisconsin in 1856, where she has since resided. She
was the mother of 13 children, 9 of whom survive her: Mrs.
Catharine Melsapp who resides in Canada, Charles and James of
Shawano, Mrs. Donald McKenzer of Milwaukee and the remaining 3
sons and 2 daughters residing here. She had, at the time of her
death, 54 living grandchildren and 58 great grand-children.
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