From a June 14, 1917 Shawano County paper: A home wedding Takes place at Sechrist residence in Elmdale
A pretty home wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sechrist at Elmdale, when their youngest daughter, Miss Viola, was
united in marriage to Martin Sorenson, Saturday evening, June 2nd at 5
o’clock, Rev. J. Frohlin tyin gthe nuptial knot. The bride wore a
beautiful gown of peach colored Georgetta crepe and carried white
roses. Miss Laura Johannes of Cecil (cousin of the bride) was maid of
honor, wore a gaslight green silk gown. Rudolph Sorenson acted as best
man. The house was decorated in the National colors. After the ceremony
a six o’clock dinner was served to the assembled guests. The bride and
groom are of Elmdale’s most poular young set, and will continue to live
at Elmdale on the home farm. We wish them joy and prosperity through life.